Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Happy Diwali 2014 !

Best wishes for peace, progress and prosperity !

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Best wishes to all candidates at the CCI 2014 Elections.

Dear Fellow Members of the CCI

Thankfully there is only a day left for the AGM at our club and voting to commence. By Saturday 11th Oct night, 5 newly elected Executive Committee Members,  a newly elected President and Treasurer will be announced.

I have been asked to speak at the AGM and express some of my views. I have chosen not to do so. My views are well meant and come from considerable study of the club's working since Dec 2007. Unfortunately, people tend to take criticism personally instead of as inputs, to drive positive change.

However, some pointers are available online from my past notes:

1. http://bit.ly/cci_silos
2. http://bit.ly/cci_hr
3. http://bit.ly/rdb_kyc
4. http://bit.ly/cci_odc
5. http://bit.ly/rdb_kyc_2012_2
6. http://bit.ly/rdb_governance_cci
7. http://bit.ly/rdboncci
8. http://bit.ly/cci_response
9. http://bit.ly/kyc2013
10. http://bit.ly/rdb2013
11. http://bit.ly/cci_systems
12. http://bit.ly/cci_thanks
13. http://bit.ly/od_whatis

Most members may not have the time to go through this but what will be evident is that at all times my position has been one which is vision driven and advocating professionalism, systems and Governance.

When ever I have stood for elections I have done so as an independent candidate and not taken support from or given support to any side or part thereof. When ever I have supported certain candidates, I have not stood myself.

My position at present is that I continue to advocate professionalism, systems and governance to be best implemented through an Organizational Development Committee (disbanded after a short stint in 2011-12, without any clear reason on record see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_development for more on OD)  which is essentially advisory and monitoring in nature as a value added  professionalism, systems and Governance creation tunnel between the Executive Committee and the Club's Administration. This is expected to improve the performance of the club's Administration and delivery of member services, and as such should be seen as a welcome measure.

Therefore as a logical position, I personally support such candidates who commit themselves to this approach. Hence, to read any other meaning into my mind, would be an exercise in futility.

At all times members are advised to research their candidate selection well and not rely on other's views which may not be duly informed. This is common sense, however more often greatly lacking due to an over all lack of transparency and management by political and diplomatic manoeuvres and issue resolution by appeasement. It is not uncommon to see or hear members expressing contradictory views to different audiences!

I have not written this piece in any attempt to clear any image deficits I may have caused myself during this election but with an assurance to members that at all times and with many approaches I have focused on the same thing - professionalism, systems and Governance.

After the prayer meet for Rajesh Sanghi earlier this week I met & have spoken with Ashok Ganguly - ex-Unilever while we were waiting for our cars to pick us up. Homi Khusrookhan Ex-MD from Tata Group and Glaxo and he,  have been elected at the Willingdon Club a couple of weeks ago. While congratulating them I would like to suggest that it is evident that members have started seeking refuge in persons with implementation experience in  professionalism, systems and Governance as a good choice to constitute the Board of a club.

I believe that this VOTE FOR CHANGE augurs well for the future of our club too and have solicited Ashok Ganguly's assistance in identifying future EC candidates (across clubs) with suitable backgrounds which  would help build professionalism, systems and Governance at our club and club's in general.

It is upto us members to encourage such action in any which way we can.

The CCI is a wonderful club and we are truly privileged to be its members!

I continue to thank Committee Members for their contribution and appeal to them for the implementation of more professionalism, systems and Governance at our club.

Best wishes to all candidates and a request to consider what I have said.

with warm regards to all

Rajiv Bhatia


Monday, October 06, 2014

The support for OD at the CCI, intensifies !

Dear Fellow Members of CCI

I am delighted that young Devesh Sharma has subscribed to Organisational Development as the right approach for our club. As a result I am pleased to extend my support to him for the forthcoming club elections for the post of an Executive Committee Member.

I  trust that this is the beginning to the end of 'political and diplomatic manoeuvres and issue resolution by appeasement' as the management style at the club. Besides, social capital which has depleted with the loss of mutual trust, will also have to be rebuilt. The only way forward is through the implementation of my vision for greater levels of Professionalism, Systems and Governance at the club.

I wish Devesh the best and with Kekoo and Viral am happy to support him.

with warm regards to all

