Friday, October 16, 2015

Vineet Naik is my favourite candidate at CCI this year

There is every reason for Vineet Naik to be my favorite candidate this year !  All the best to you !

 Click here 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


#‎CCIElections2015‬ Since there are 6 fresh faces who have never been on the EC in the past, standing this time, it would certainly be a good idea to `vote for change' and select 5 out of these 6 candidates (as one can vote for a maximum of 5 only) - Vineet Naik (my favourite this time), Suresh Aggarwal, Ranjeet Vaswani, Devesh Sharma, Luv Kothari & Sanjog Parab. However, after consideration my personal choice and recommendation is as follows. ALL the best to ALL the candidates ! But PLEASE REMEMBER that `Hired Personnel' well chosen and organised through deployment of proper systems, will make a greater contribution to member satisfaction at our club, than members working `pro-bono' can or ever will. Vote for ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT.


Saturday, October 03, 2015

CCI's Executive Committee Elections on October 16th and 17th, 2015

I am rather encouraged by Vineet Naik's views as expressed to members. 

He speaks of the of development systems and processes at CCI as a way forward to ensure that the club runs as a well oiled wheel for the benefit of its members. 

He also speaks of the importance of the role of the Administration and need for greater coordination between Committee & Sub Committee Members. 

Glad to see this as an encouragement to the re introduction of the Organizational Development process at the CCI.

Vineet, I have known you since the early 1970's from Cathedral School. I do believe I can place my trust in you ! 

It will be good to have you as a new face on the Executive Committee. 

All the best for the forthcoming elections.

There are 2 teams. However, it would be best to pick individual candidates. My suggestion is as follows.

I strongly support Vineet Naik & Naval Pandole. Besides my belief in them for good Governance for CCI, they are Ex Cathedralites.

I am also inclined to support Ranjeet Vaswani, Devesh Sharma & Luv Kothari as they are new faces & as  youngsters, are unlikely to carry any unwanted `baggage'.

I wish all the candidates the very best !


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