Thursday, September 12, 2024

CCI 2024 Vote 4

*Winds of Change: CCI Deserves Excellence*
Your Vote is a Call to Action for Real Leadership.
We stand firm in our commitment to drive meaningful change and elevate CCI’s standards.
Our Team of Decisive Leaders:
- *President & Executive Committee Member*: Suresh Agarwal  
- *Hon. Treasurer*: Satyapal Jain  
- *Executive Committee Members*:
  -  Suresh Agarwal 
  -  Devesh R. Sharma  
  -  Mangesh (Raju) Parulkar  
*Empower us to take CCI forward - No excuses, No compromises, Just Results*.

My objectives remain steadfast.
1. With our club embroiled in politics and conflict the last thing on its mind are the four principles that lie at the heart of good governance, much sought after by members
• Accountability
• Transparency 
• Fairness and 
• Responsibility
These can come about if human resource structures and systems and processes are in place. This will have a 'huge' impact on the working of the boardroom and club administration.
2. Ongoing staff training programs particularly for the kitchen & f&b services.
3. Pragmatic infrastructure development to meet with constantly increasing demand by members and their families.
4. Discouraging 'populist' 'mobocracy' to expand sports facilities. A planned and holistic approach so as to best accommodate usage demands. 
5. Downsizing allowances for guests use so that members are not inconvenienced. 
6. A 'transformative leadership' approach is the need of the times. Sticking ones neck out to carry change initiatives is essential for success.
7. Organisation Development summarises this best.
8. Having sought this since 2011 and those since then, not having delivered, I seek Winds of Change.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Clarification ref club elections

Dear Friends

I have stood for elections 3 times in 2011, 2012 and 2013 as a first genuinely independent candidate by choice. I did not seek and neither did I get any group support. I was truly very alone, of my own choice. Approximately 750 members voted for me based on my vision of professionalizing our club. My personal networks were supportive of me. I did not win but I made my vision and views known. 

After this I have supported various candidates and not any one group. My aspirations remain unchanged.

I continue to desire transformation for our club into one being run with professional practices, HR structures, processes and systems (organization development). I had hoped that would happen over the past couple of years but it has not.

So any groups and candidates who commit to such transformation, I will support. Any leadership promising transformation but resorting to neutrality on issues, would be a betrayal of the objectives I envision.

I would like to see a promotion campaign upfront for groups and candidates commiting to such transformation. Then the reason for my support for them would come clear.

There must be no misinterpretation of my views. The running of clubs and societies are seen by me as community services and a subject I have been studying for a while now.

Thanks & Regards


Saturday, July 27, 2024

CCI Club Elections 2024

Dear Sir

With our club embroiled in politics and conflict the last thing on its mind are the four principles that lie at the heart of good governance, much sought after by members

• Accountability

• Transparency 

• Fairness and 

• Responsibility

These can come about if human resource structures and systems and processes are in place. When I stood for elections 3 times consecutively it was with a view to advocate and implement this. It's been more than a decade ago, however this remains to be done. Members must demand this from candidates.

One feels sorry for EC members who, being dissatisfied with the completion of their role for our club, wish to continue to stand again and again. If 2 terms have not been enough then how likely is it that another will result in any miracles from them ? It may be better to hand over to others and preferably a younger lot who do not carry any past burden or baggage to play the role. Churning the same people around may not achieve what is first stated above. Institutional decline will be the consequence.

Members have a choice, to be exercised per their wisdom.

Thanks & Regards


PS: running a club or cooperative housing society are community services. 

*Psychometric assessment* would help show the individuals personality, mental ability, opinions, etc., as may be suited for the role or not.

PPS: personally I will re engage myself when there is a clear desire and mandate to play a role as first explained. This should answer your question. 


A case for *ease of living* at *community based organizations*, *through skilling*. An improvement in skills would have a direct relationship with ease of living. We all enjoy community based organizations such as the *cooperative housing societies* that we live in & *sports and recreation clubs* we may be members of

The Club lives perpetually in a seller’s market, and has therefore no motivation to transform for the future. 
*Hrishikesh Bhattacharya*
ex Unilever