Dear Arvind
You have been humble to acknowledge ( some strategic errors you made over the past few months. With this you have only risen in the esteem of those who understand your stellar role in changing the paradigm of Indian Politics and setting the agenda, even for your opponents.
When the Delhi aberrations were taking place I too felt that though the actions were well meant, they may be perceived negatively by people. You piloted a speed boat for the second half of 2013 but once that became a larger ship, should have been navigated as such. With your Govt. continuing in Delhi till post LS elections, National Support may have gained much greater steam. But I would treat this as an error of judgement (tactical only, as you were morally correct) by an exemplary superstar of the modern political history of India, as it is being written. To field 440+ LS candidates in such a short span of time is creditable.
I often fail to understand how people think and react and the manner in which they set their expectations. 60+ years of murky governance as a track record, is it preferred to a single years dogged effort (in creating AAP) to check the same?
To reproduce the letter:
"Dear Rajan:
Thanks for your mail and my response is delayed because I wanted to give it time.
I know Arvind for about close to 23 years now and have seen him from the time he got into IRS from TISCO, fought corruption, won the Magsaysay award till where he is now.
Arvind has set himself goals that are nearly impossible to achieve; taken paths that none of us dare dream venture and has seen the very bridges created by him burnt by others. And all this for the love of India.
If I expect him to be flawless, expect to give him no rope to fail, and yet desire that he deliver the impossible that none of the 800 million Indian adults could; then I ask myself, are my lofty standards at fault or is Arvind at fault?
I really do not know if he will be occupy a high place in history or confined to its dustbin. I don't think even he does or he cares. But I can tell you one thing - India won't get another like him for another generation.
Warm regards,
Its good, that you are there. Its good, that you have done what you have. Don't worry too much about the millions who complain, because none of us or our forefathers, relatives or friends took up the seemingly insurmountable challenge of changing the Indian Political paradigm. You did, and personally I thank you. Though you may need to change the `how' as time passes (see OD as a must), don't change the `what' or `why'. Your volunteers, including me in my humble way are there for you and do understand and subscribe to your selflessness.
India is on a path to change already and that's not because of your conventional politician rivals. That's because of the political renaissance you have introduced, which sceptics too have now begun to agree with, only because you have acknowledged the errors, openly. Reminds me in some ways of Shri. Narayan Murthy at a school annual day some years ago, when he apologised to the children for the wrong doings of his generation.
I have been working hard for AAP ki Meera in Mumbai South, along with all her volunteers. But not as hard and intelligently as she has been. Her opponents pale before her. Mumbaikars are beginning to understand her merits and true worth for the future development of AAP and more importantly, our India.
I wish all our AAP candidates well and look forward to a significant presence of AAP candidates in Parliament next month.
yours sincerely,
Aam Aadmi Rajiv Bhatia
When the Delhi aberrations were taking place I too felt that though the actions were well meant, they may be perceived negatively by people. You piloted a speed boat for the second half of 2013 but once that became a larger ship, should have been navigated as such. With your Govt. continuing in Delhi till post LS elections, National Support may have gained much greater steam. But I would treat this as an error of judgement (tactical only, as you were morally correct) by an exemplary superstar of the modern political history of India, as it is being written. To field 440+ LS candidates in such a short span of time is creditable.
I often fail to understand how people think and react and the manner in which they set their expectations. 60+ years of murky governance as a track record, is it preferred to a single years dogged effort (in creating AAP) to check the same?
To reproduce the letter:
"Dear Rajan:
Thanks for your mail and my response is delayed because I wanted to give it time.
I know Arvind for about close to 23 years now and have seen him from the time he got into IRS from TISCO, fought corruption, won the Magsaysay award till where he is now.
Arvind has set himself goals that are nearly impossible to achieve; taken paths that none of us dare dream venture and has seen the very bridges created by him burnt by others. And all this for the love of India.
If I expect him to be flawless, expect to give him no rope to fail, and yet desire that he deliver the impossible that none of the 800 million Indian adults could; then I ask myself, are my lofty standards at fault or is Arvind at fault?
I really do not know if he will be occupy a high place in history or confined to its dustbin. I don't think even he does or he cares. But I can tell you one thing - India won't get another like him for another generation.
Warm regards,
Its good, that you are there. Its good, that you have done what you have. Don't worry too much about the millions who complain, because none of us or our forefathers, relatives or friends took up the seemingly insurmountable challenge of changing the Indian Political paradigm. You did, and personally I thank you. Though you may need to change the `how' as time passes (see OD as a must), don't change the `what' or `why'. Your volunteers, including me in my humble way are there for you and do understand and subscribe to your selflessness.
India is on a path to change already and that's not because of your conventional politician rivals. That's because of the political renaissance you have introduced, which sceptics too have now begun to agree with, only because you have acknowledged the errors, openly. Reminds me in some ways of Shri. Narayan Murthy at a school annual day some years ago, when he apologised to the children for the wrong doings of his generation.
I have been working hard for AAP ki Meera in Mumbai South, along with all her volunteers. But not as hard and intelligently as she has been. Her opponents pale before her. Mumbaikars are beginning to understand her merits and true worth for the future development of AAP and more importantly, our India.
I wish all our AAP candidates well and look forward to a significant presence of AAP candidates in Parliament next month.
yours sincerely,
Aam Aadmi Rajiv Bhatia
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