Friday, April 15, 2011

Tim Sassoon's historic visit to Mumbai.

 Devayani, Pushpa, Timmothy, Rajiv and Devavrat in front of Sir David Sassoon's statue at the Sir David Sassoon Library at Kala Ghoda.

Tim in Rajiv's office (Manoobhai Doongursee & Co.) sitting on the Chair his great grand aunt Flora Sassoon sat on and the conference table  she sat at while chairing meetings. More about Flora Sassoon at click here

For more on the Manoobhai Doongursee Group click here 

Tim Sassoon is the President of Sassoon Film Design in California click here


  1. For an heir to the original drug lord, donating $1,250, is a shockingly meager amount. The China opium wars and the "lease" of Hong Kong to England for 100 years are all results of David Sassoon's effort, a man who employed only Jews in his "business" and in India built one library, one hospital and one school for boys after reaping decade's of profits. Sassoon dock benefited the opium he traded to China most. The man's "business" prowess has assured his heirs continue to live the lives of modern royalty almost a century after closing shop. $1,250! WOW.

  2. Nothing shocking. His contribution comes from his hard earnings and as such has not inherited the David Sassoon Legacy. Certainly better than a lot of people who live off their inheritances, create no new wealth and contribute nothing to Society.
