Increase in purchasing power has resulted in an exponential growth in demand for, and the use of LCVs & Two-wheelers. This growth has caused an equal demand for parking spaces. Close to eight lakh cars are sold in India every year, growing at an average of 10% p.a. Each year five million two-wheelers are being added at an astounding 15%. Though the growth reflects the growing wealth of Indians, both material and monetary, cities are rapidly losing comfortable space in which to move about. What’s more, the problem has now shifted into tier II and tier III towns where infrastructure development is still weak.
Advanced Strategies ( and the Abhyas program ( have engaged summer interns Gagan Kumar Singh and Santosh Manshiramani of the Sadhana Centre for Management Leadership & Development, Pune ( - beyond conventional management programs) to work on a research paper.
Responding to these questions will be your contribution to our ongoing efforts to create a collaborative dialogue, and combine efforts to find solutions that meet the increasing need of parking, as well as to formulate policies and regulations for the creation and use of parking space. These questions are targeted at residents of Mumbai and Pune, as these cities are being covered for the study at present. Thank you for your kind co-operation.
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This is fabulous from this b log i learn so many information thank you , but so many thing i has to learn .ones again thank you..