Thursday, December 31, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
#Microsoft Question to you is that if a customer has paid for the software being used and the software being used is paid for, in accordance with offered rates at the time of purchase, has Microsoft the right to try and extract more money through incentivised agents at a later time? #TimeForLinux #TimeForOpenSource
The Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Ubuntu operating system for desktop PCs and laptops, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS comes with five years of security and maintenance updates, guaranteed.
LibreOffice Fresh is the stable version with the most recent features. Available for Linux & Windows.
The Long Term Support (LTS) version of the Ubuntu operating system for desktop PCs and laptops, Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS comes with five years of security and maintenance updates, guaranteed.
LibreOffice Fresh is the stable version with the most recent features. Available for Linux & Windows.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Saturday, November 07, 2015
Friday, October 16, 2015
Vineet Naik is my favourite candidate at CCI this year
There is every reason for Vineet Naik to be my favorite candidate this year ! All the best to you !
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Since there are 6 fresh faces who have never been on the EC in the
past, standing this time, it would certainly be a good idea to `vote for
change' and select 5 out of these 6 candidates (as one can vote for a
maximum of 5 only) - Vineet Naik (my favourite this time), Suresh
Aggarwal, Ranjeet Vaswani, Devesh Sharma, Luv Kothari & Sanjog
Parab. However, after consideration my personal choice and
recommendation is as follows. ALL the best to ALL the candidates ! But
PLEASE REMEMBER that `Hired Personnel' well chosen and organised through
deployment of proper systems, will make a greater contribution to
member satisfaction at our club, than members working `pro-bono' can or
Saturday, October 03, 2015
CCI's Executive Committee Elections on October 16th and 17th, 2015
I am rather encouraged by Vineet Naik's views as expressed to members.
He speaks of the of development systems and processes at CCI as a way forward to ensure that the club runs as a well oiled wheel for the benefit of its members.
He also speaks of the importance of the role of the Administration and need for greater coordination between Committee & Sub Committee Members.
Glad to see this as an encouragement to the re introduction of the Organizational Development process at the CCI.
Vineet, I have known you since the early 1970's from Cathedral School. I do believe I can place my trust in you !
It will be good to have you as a new face on the Executive Committee.
All the best for the forthcoming elections.
There are 2 teams. However, it would be best to pick individual candidates. My suggestion is as follows.
I strongly support Vineet Naik & Naval Pandole. Besides my belief in them for good Governance for CCI, they are Ex Cathedralites.
I am also inclined to support Ranjeet Vaswani, Devesh Sharma & Luv Kothari as they are new faces & as youngsters, are unlikely to carry any unwanted `baggage'.
I wish all the candidates the very best !
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Tuesday, September 01, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
AGM & Election Time once again, at the CCI
Dear Fellow Members of the Cricket Club of India
The Annual General Meeting of our Club and Elections for 5 Executive Committee posts are once again around the corner. It is evident that members want change once again as their aspirations have not been met. As I have taken a keen interest in studying the working of our club since the AGM of December 2007, when I first introduced a vision statement for our club:
“To be a premier choice for members & their families to avail of sports and recreation facilities; encouraging participation, camaraderie, sportsmanship, networking, heritage, culture and appreciation of cuisine and the sensible development of necessary facilities and services for the same, all at reasonable costs.”
When I wake every morning I first see our prestigious club from my apartment balcony on the top floor of CCI Chambers. I have never been a Cricketer but have played table tennis, Swum and played Squash at our club in the past. I don't belong to any particular department or political group and hence am a neutral professional OFFERING my pro-bono time and efforts to help the club in the areas it most needs assistance, now more than ever, including Systems & Processes, Information Technology Deployment, Human Resources Development and to help build a cohesive & well Governed establishment for optimal member satisfaction. A few professionally minded members joined me in starting a first time ever Organisational Development Committee (ODC) at our club, in 2011. However the term of its early existence was short lived for reasons best known to those who chose to discontinue it at a very early stage.
But now, it is time again to consider an Organisational Development approach to fortify our club for long term management stability and progress. I find a number of members asking me if I will stand for the post of an Executive Committee Member at the forthcoming elections. I am humbled by the thought that fellow members now appreciate my views on professionalism over politics at our club. Not only at our club but at such institutions every where it is imperative to build organisations and their capacity to deliver to an ever increasing member base.
So I MAY stand for elections this year. But whether I do or not, my views on what I believe is good for our club, as blogged earlier too, remain unchanged. So with sincerity and humility I request my fellow members to support and vote for those who believe in Organisational Development and Professionalism as the best way forward for our club. We are indeed fortunate to be its members. I continue to thank all those who work for it.
Yours truly,
Rajiv Bhatia
mandaterajiv (at) gmail (dot) com
The Annual General Meeting of our Club and Elections for 5 Executive Committee posts are once again around the corner. It is evident that members want change once again as their aspirations have not been met. As I have taken a keen interest in studying the working of our club since the AGM of December 2007, when I first introduced a vision statement for our club:
“To be a premier choice for members & their families to avail of sports and recreation facilities; encouraging participation, camaraderie, sportsmanship, networking, heritage, culture and appreciation of cuisine and the sensible development of necessary facilities and services for the same, all at reasonable costs.”
When I wake every morning I first see our prestigious club from my apartment balcony on the top floor of CCI Chambers. I have never been a Cricketer but have played table tennis, Swum and played Squash at our club in the past. I don't belong to any particular department or political group and hence am a neutral professional OFFERING my pro-bono time and efforts to help the club in the areas it most needs assistance, now more than ever, including Systems & Processes, Information Technology Deployment, Human Resources Development and to help build a cohesive & well Governed establishment for optimal member satisfaction. A few professionally minded members joined me in starting a first time ever Organisational Development Committee (ODC) at our club, in 2011. However the term of its early existence was short lived for reasons best known to those who chose to discontinue it at a very early stage.
But now, it is time again to consider an Organisational Development approach to fortify our club for long term management stability and progress. I find a number of members asking me if I will stand for the post of an Executive Committee Member at the forthcoming elections. I am humbled by the thought that fellow members now appreciate my views on professionalism over politics at our club. Not only at our club but at such institutions every where it is imperative to build organisations and their capacity to deliver to an ever increasing member base.
So I MAY stand for elections this year. But whether I do or not, my views on what I believe is good for our club, as blogged earlier too, remain unchanged. So with sincerity and humility I request my fellow members to support and vote for those who believe in Organisational Development and Professionalism as the best way forward for our club. We are indeed fortunate to be its members. I continue to thank all those who work for it.
Yours truly,
Rajiv Bhatia
mandaterajiv (at) gmail (dot) com
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Wednesday, August 05, 2015
Control freaks are riddled with fears and insecurities
Understand what makes a person be a control freak. See if the controlling person needs professional help.
Control freaks are riddled with fears and insecurities that leave them always unsatisfied and unhappy. The following links are informative
Job and Internship Openings
(1) Student and Fresher Internship Opportunities. click on link below
(2) Tally Accountant Required
Monday, July 27, 2015
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
If thou desire the love of God and people, be humble, for the proud heart, as it loves none but itself, is beloved of none but itself. Humility enforces where neither virtue, nor strength, nor reason can prevail.
~ Francis Quarles ~
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Lord Make Me An Instrument Of Your Peace
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.
~ St Francis of Assisi ~
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 04, 2015
Paragbhai Parikh is no more
04.05.15 : Very sad to learn of the sudden passing away of Shri Paragbhai Parikh in Omaha USA in a car accident. May his soul rest in peace. Gitabhabhi is being treated in hospital.
05.05.15 Update: Gita Parikh's condition is stable and may have to undergo neck surgery. Family members will be reaching Omaha today. Some extended family members are already there.
06.05.15 Update: Mrs. Gita Parikh has gained consciousness but been sedated after
being informed of Paragbhai's demise (RIP). She also knows that her
sons are on the way. She will require a minor surgery for her spine.
07.05.15 Update: Gita Parikh was met by her sons. The spine/ neck surgery is complete.
Funeral : Parag's final journey will be from Heafey Heafey Hoffman Funeral Home, 7805 W Centre Road, Omaha at 11 am on Thursday, May 7. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Sunday, May 03, 2015
#NepalEarthQuakeRelief #RamaKrishnaMission
236, Tukucha Marg, Ward no. 4
Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal
+977-9803473037, 9851144315, 9851037989
Email :
Respected Bhatiaji
Accept my namaskar
We are doing relief in full swing. Here is short report of our relief work. Pl send your donation to us into our account given below.
Flowing the prober “charity begins at home” we started our relief work setting a common kitchen at our door step to feed quake effected our neighbors from 27th April. Till today night around 750 people took day and night food there. Average 125 person every session.
On 28th April we gave 100 kegs rice, 20 kg Dal, 5 liter oil, 5kg salt, 3 kg sugar 30 big packets biscuit to Aravindo orphanage to feed 130 children at Thankot, Kathmandu.
On 29th April we went to Sako village (most affected area 20 km away from Kathmandu), there we distributed 500 big dry food packets, 700 bottles of drinking water, 500 packets of biscuits.
Next we went to a remote area in upper hills 40km away from Kathmandu to a Tamang basti situated at Lapsiphedi area in sankarpur Nagar palika where we distributed 400 dry food packets, 500 bottles of water and 500 packets of biscuits to the quake effected people.
Today we visited Bhaktapur area which is the 2nd biggest effected area in Kathmadnu area.
There we distributed 700 dry food packets, water bottles and biscuits packets.
We like to distribute the following items to the people.
1. Dry food and milk powder
2. Winter garments
3. Tarpaulin sheet for night shelter
4. Blankets for cold (as many possible)
5. Common medicine
With namaskar again
Your affectionately
Spiritual Head
Your affectionately
Spiritual Head
Donations from Overseas can be made through
Cheques addressed to “Ramakrishna Ashram Nepal” , 236 Tukucha Marg, Ward No 4, Balu water, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bank Transfer by Nepal Express Remitt
Nepal Express remit
Rama Krishna Ashram Nepal (Revenue Account)
Account Number: 17725240200442
Swift code: NSBINPKA
Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
Durbar Marg Branch
Phone +977 1 4435612
Belur Math Online Donations -
Belur Math Offline Donations -
Cheques addressed to “Ramakrishna Ashram Nepal” , 236 Tukucha Marg, Ward No 4, Balu water, Kathmandu, Nepal
Bank Transfer by Nepal Express Remitt
Nepal Express remit
Rama Krishna Ashram Nepal (Revenue Account)
Account Number: 17725240200442
Swift code: NSBINPKA
Nepal SBI Bank Ltd.
Durbar Marg Branch
Phone +977 1 4435612
Belur Math Online Donations -
Belur Math Offline Donations -
Monday, March 23, 2015
Tuesday, February 03, 2015
Chandrakantbhai Sampat - Rest In Peace
A friend and guru to many, including me. A man of integrity whose thoughts words and deeds matched & connected seamlessly. We have lost one of a kind and the pain is ours. He will Rest In Peace. Bye Masa ! Thanks for having been with us.
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ET Sep 28, 1999 front page - debating on the subject of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
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ET Sep 28, 1999 front page - debating on the subject of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
Thursday, January 22, 2015
World Bank Report - Global Economic Prospects 2015
Global Economic Prospects | January 2015
Having Fiscal Space and Using It
The global economy is still struggling to gain momentum as many high-income countries continue to grapple with legacies of the global financial crisis and emerging economies are less dynamic than in the past.
Global growth in 2014 was lower than initially expected, continuing a pattern of disappointing outturns over the past several years. Growth picked up only marginally in 2014, to 2.6 percent, from 2.5 percent in 2013. Beneath these headline numbers, increasingly divergent trends are at work in major economies.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Remembering Zulfi Tyebjee
Family and Friends of Dear Zulfi
Its been around 45 years now for most of us classmates, that we first got to know each other at Cathedral School. Some of us even before that. We were born 5 decades ago as dear Zulfi was on May 25th 1964. And now to think that he will not be with us in person any more, will take a while to settle in.
Zulfi was creative and a non-conformist. We shared a common view that friends & friendships were a very important aspect of life, which must be worked on. We were both average students and by and large simple kids. He was mischievous and I was relatively `seedha'. But to my good fortune, I learnt a bit from him over the years and have thus enjoyed life and enjoyed knowing dear Zulfi.
When we were approaching the year 2001 and were preparing for our first reunion, having completed 20 years of graduating from class 10 at school, Zulfi made great efforts at working on building our class list. The INTERNET in India was only a couple of years old then and we had to do the job without any fancy social media platforms. His zest and drive were a big source of strength and motivation to bring our class together. Further, this converted to driving me to play a larger role for the Alumni Association of Cathedral School, which comprises of a robust network of ex-Cathedralites.
Zulfi and I met from time to time or spoke on phone. We often argued and disagreed. But very specifically reminded each other that we loved one another and that our friendship meant a lot to us. This is something important that he has left behind for me to cherish as also the memento he made for me called the `Toos Trophy for Friendship'.
Thus, it is important to express our affection for each other as friends, as most often, modern day schedules and pressures make us complacent towards this.
Thanks to Zulfi we know his family, his mother Zubi aunty, brother Kumail, wife Shernaz and daughter Leia whom he has left behind as friends for us to love, respect and appreciate.
My dear Zulfi. You have left us way too soon. If this was not a formal memorial and condolence gathering, then just as other friends of yours, I too would have expressed my displeasure at your untimely departure, with a stronger sentiment, as often exchanged between us. We are indeed very sad that you have left us but do believe that in our minds and hearts you will live on forever. I will not refer to the `spirits' aspect as this is not the occasion to do so. But do urge you, our friend, to rest in peace, well assured that we will always celebrate your life and our friendship with happy memories. May God bless your soul. To all of us here today, may God give us the strength and fortitude to bear your sad and sudden departure from our midst.
(At the condolence meeting this evening)
Monday, January 19, 2015
Our friend Zulfi Tyebjee is no more
With deep sorrow I announce the sad and sudden demise of Zulfi Tyebjee
my Cathedral School Classmate (1981 ICSE 1983 ISC, Savage House) He had
a heart attack last night 18.01.15 at 11.30pm. Condolences to Shernaz Tyebjee Leia Tyebjee Kumail Tyebjee and the larger family. May His Soul Rest In Peace.
Funeral at Chandanwadi Crematorium — today 19 January - at 3.30pm.
A condolence meeting will be held from 5pm to 7.30pm on Tuesday January 20th, 2015 at the Rewa Apartment Gardens, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai.
Monday, January 05, 2015
Thursday, January 01, 2015
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